Bart Koopmans

Articles by

Bart Koopmans
Working as a Quantitative Risk Analyst at Aegon

Working as a Quantitative Risk Analyst at Aegon

In the Netherlands, insurers pay out approximately 200 million euros to individuals and companies a day. Additionally, the total assets reserved for pensions amount to more than 1400 billion euros a year. Hence, it is safe to say that the world and work of insurers...

The lazy person’s guide to a healthy brain

The lazy person’s guide to a healthy brain

Now that the summer holiday is around the corner it is time to relax and unwind. After all the exams and deadlines of the past weeks, some downtime to enjoy the weather, lay down in the park, or go out with friends is well deserved.  However, once the new year...

The conundrum of perpetual motion

The conundrum of perpetual motion

It is no surprise that the 19th  century was a time of scientific breakthroughs and wondrous inventions. However, for the people of Philadelphia, this meant that for only one dollar they could admire the most amazing machine in the world: a machine that stayed in...

The pitfalls of being intelligent

The pitfalls of being intelligent

In economics, one of the first assumptions we are taught is that we are dealing with rational actors. The idea that people make rational and well-considered decisions. But in life, this almost never seems to be the case. When we look around us in the world, we see...

Who will conquer the world?

Who will conquer the world?

  Risk has been one of the most beloved board games since its release more than sixty years ago. With this classic board game, a fun evening with your friends or family can soon turn into an hours-long war where alliances are forged, troops are lost and battles...

A different look at online education

A different look at online education

By now, most students will have a lot of experience with attending online lectures and tutorials. It truly has become the new normal. It might therefore also look as if online classes have nothing new or exciting to offer. However, I want to challenge you to take a...

Diversity a threat to feminism?

Diversity a threat to feminism?

Is multiculturalism bad for women? That is the title of liberal philosopher and feminist Suzan Moller Okin’s plea about the incompatibility of feminism and multiculturalism. Over the past few decades multiculturalism has always sparked a lot of debates and unleashed a...

Dark humor to lighten the mood

Dark humor to lighten the mood

‘If the coronavirus doesn’t kill me, being stuck in the house with my wife for three weeks will.’ Tasteless or funny? Since the lockdown, the number of jokes concerning the current pandemic has grown day by day. And while some may take offense from this dark type of...

Is het coronavirus daadwerkelijk goed voor het milieu?

Is het coronavirus daadwerkelijk goed voor het milieu?

Al weken domineert COVID-19 het nieuws in Nederland. Maar naast alle verhalen over overvolle intensive cares, ondernemers die worstelen met de huidige maatregelen en gesloten grenzen lijkt er één lichtpuntje te zijn: de coronacrisis is goed voor het milieu. De natuur...