
Articles by

How 3D printing is changing manufacturing

How 3D printing is changing manufacturing

Recently I was inspired by seeing what other people have done with 3D printing to buy my very own one. After having used it for very basic things like pen holders, I started making bigger things. While printing I began to wonder what the economic impact of this...

Libra: Facebook’s valuta

Libra: Facebook’s valuta

Tot de verrassing van velen komt Facebook in het komende jaar met zijn eigen cryptocurrency. Helemaal na verschillende schandalen in de behandeling van persoonlijke data. Toch wordt verwacht dat Libra zal uitkomen in de eerste helft van komend jaar. Wat is de huidige...

Buying a country: Trumps interest in Greenland

Buying a country: Trumps interest in Greenland

Trump recently made headlines, once again, by offering to buy Greenland from Denmark. As strange as it may seem, this is not even the first time the United States has tried to purchase Greenland. But why would President Trump want to buy this island, receive 500...

The US-China Trade war

The US-China Trade war

China and the United States have embarked upon a trade war as both superpowers lob threats of trade tariffs, and there seems no turning back. In this article, I’ll be analyzing why tensions between the superpowers are heating up. Tensions between the United States and...

Tesla’s war on Uber

Tesla’s war on Uber

Tesla just had their autonomy event, in which they basically declared war on Uber with the Robotaxi, as they call it. The current Tesla models will be getting an over-the-air update, after which Tesla owners will be able to rent out their Tesla as an automated Taxi...

Market Making bij Flow Traders

Market Making bij Flow Traders

Een Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is een fonds samengesteld uit verschillende aandelen en/of obligaties om zo in zijn risico en rendement een gelijk resultaat te behalen als een bepaalde index. ETF’s bieden veel positieve effecten, zo kunnen onder andere investeerders...

A simplified superficial view of the economy

A simplified superficial view of the economy

Economic policy allows a governing body to control the way in which the people will use their utility. In this article, I’ll be discussing the foundation of different economic systems, what their positives and negatives are, and will controversially try to compare...

De Chinese huizenmarkt

De Chinese huizenmarkt

Door een enorme huizenmarkt boom in China zijn de afgelopen jaren de huizenprijzen in China enorm gestegen. Hoewel het erg moeilijk kan zijn om een bubbel te identificeren, hebben veel mensen een vermoeden dat hier een bubbel ontstaat. Er wordt veel verwezen naar de...